What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

This Sunday, May 13th is Mother’s Day, and chances are you have yet to get her gift! So here are some gift ideas perfect for the mom in your life, who you want to know how appreciated they really are. Note, you will not find any jewelery or flower bouquets options in this list!

  1. A Day Off!
    Ideally this would take place away from home, in a nice hotel, with room service!
    This doesn’t mean we don’t love our kids and family, but we need a break from putting everyone else first, and sometimes even WE do not realize it! The chance to just do “you” is one of the most rewarding gifts a mom can get. I say this from first hand experience, as it made me a happier momma afterwards.
  2. A Spa Day
    This one should be a little obvious but in case it isn’t, here it is! There are so many options to choose from here too; Mani-pedis, facials, massage, hair treatments, Hammam, steam room, ALL OF THE ABOVE! If you’re on a budget but want to treat the mom in your life, get a Groupon, she will not mind. I promise you.
  3. A Day to Herself…
    In her own home. Think about it, when was the last time Mom got to spend the day, alone, in the house, without the expectations to clean it, or organize or prepare for something. To hang out, lounge, watch an entire series on Netflix, read a book, sleep, dance naked… whatever it was she used to do before being a mom? The best part about this gift, it doesn’t cost you a thing! All you need to do is take the kids to a grandma’s for at least 5-7 hours!
    Bonus: That’s a great gift for Nanna. Because chances are she wants her grandchildren to visit more often than they do. In fact the ideal gift for Grandmother’s on Mother’s Day is your time and more of it. Be it a cooked meal with her or take her out, just the two of you or with the kids. The key difference between Mother’s Day gifts for Moms and for Grandma’s is time to themselves vs time with you and her family.
  4. A Guilt-Free Day or Evening Out with Friends
    That means not worrying about nighttime duties, nor getting the kids ready for bed while she’s also trying to get herself ready. Not worrying about waking up after a late night for all those nighttime feedings (for those who are still nursing. And if you know you can sleep through a tornado, let alone baby cries, set yourself a damn alarm to get up every couple of hours); and most importantly, getting to SLEEP IN.
    Now that may take some extreme precautions and ninja-like stealth skills, but you can ensure that everyone is quiet (or out of the house) so Mom can wake up when her body wants and needs to!
  5. A Clean House!
    That she didn’t have to partake in. But more-importantly, cleaned to her standards or liking. This will take time and effort, especially that extra attention to detail, but it will not cost any money (unless you hire outside help. That’s a personal choice, but knowing you put the effort in yourself, is definitely a little extra icing on the tidy-home cake!), and it will be appreciated by everyone in the family, for as long as you can keep it up.
    And if you’re anything like me and my family, that’s about max 24 hours. But perhaps you can all work together and extend it to 48!

Whatever you choose, try to remember that these gift ideas do not have to be reserved for only once a year!

Teyana Taylor in Kanye West’s – Fade (video)

Can we talk about Kanye West‘s “Fade” video for just one second? It premiered last week during MTV‘s VMAs, after a ridiculously convoluted speech from West, and I had to wait all week for West’s camp to release it for public consumption (aka YouTube) this morning, before sharing my thoughts.

Sure, I dig the song, it’s good, but what I really want to talk about is Teyana Taylor. Let’s just address the super hot elephant in the Gym. If you have yet to see the Flashdance-inspired video, check it out below:

Now, brace yourself, but this woman just gave birth 9 months ago! Can we say unattainable goals? And to top it off, she did it naturally! Her fiance Iman Shumpert (Shooting Guard for the Cavs) actually delivered their baby girl back in December with his own hands! Again, holy unattainable goals, but at least there are some super-humans in this world to inspire us to do our best!

Guess it’s time for me to attempt working out, for the first time in 6 weeks! Thanks Teyana and Kanye!

Why Do You Care? Extended Nursing & Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau


I was talking with my mother this morning about our “First Lady,” Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau and how she continues to breastfeed her youngest son Hadrien, who just turned two February 28th. And I couldn’t help but think of all the opinions, judgments and criticism she’s faced with after admitting such a simple fact.

I have a 17 month old, who nurses, and I find it fascinating that people feel the need to share their unsolicited opinions on breastfeeding, especially extended breastfeeding and even go so far as to “pre-judge” when they state “I hope you’re not going to be nursing when he’s ____ old.” I can’t help but wonder, WHY?!?!

First off, why the F@*% do you care? Seriously? Why do other people care so much what a mother chooses to do with her body, and the choices she makes for her child, and her family? Do you truly believe that she is somehow harming her child? And if so, where the F@*% did you get that belief from? Really, I’d love to know how some members of our society came to the collective conclusion that extended nursing is wrong; how the benefits of breast-milk somehow disappear after whatever age they‘ve decided should be the cutoff.

I have one piece of advice: Worry About Yourself (WAY).

Women are faced with far too many judgments in the world, we’re either doing too much or too little. Managers avoid hiring us because we’re more likely to take time off to procreated and/or take care of kids, yet if we choose not to have children we’re considered selfish!?! To be criticized about our choice to nourish our child is absolutely absurd, especially when it comes from people who aren’t mothers, or even parents; keep your opinions to yourself, wait until you’re a parent and then do what works for you, and I will continue to do what works for me.

So nurse on Sophie!
And to all the critics out there, if you want to be heard, come at us with some science… and even then..Go (a)WAY!

Photo Cred: Chateleine.com

Happy Bump Day – Oscars Edition

First there was Hump Day, which lead to Bump day, which inevitably leads to Baby day (which by the way, is EVERY day), but today let’s celebrate Bump Day with this adorable bump,


When I first saw this Prada gown on Emily Blunt, I was a little disappointed, she’s so wonderful and I’ve never been much of a Prada fan (go for it, hate me); but after seeing this photo, although I hate the neckline and haven’t been a fan of the empire waist since the late 90s, I really love that colour on her. And let’s just be thankful that while gestating, she’s out on the scene and merely in Miu Miu instead of a muumuu. (See what I did there? Muumuu, Miu Miu. Prada Pun.)

Red Carpet Pregnancy Style: Chrissy Teigen


When I was pregnant I was convinced I’d be one of these women, you know the ones who still wore heels and put an effort into their appearance and epitomized the pregnancy “glow.” Whether or not I succeeded is up to debate (I definitely gave up those dreams post-partum!), but I love seeing women who exemplify what I aspired to be, and Chrissy Teigen NAILED it!


This beaded Marchesa is absolute perfection on her and her Legendary bump (see what I did there?), she looks glamorous and effortless; and to think just hours before the Red Carpet her dress was still getting the finishing touches, as two seamstresses were captured sewing beads over her belly!

#Oscars belly

A photo posted by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Feb 28, 2016 at 3:22pm PST

Halloween Costume Ideas for You and Baby!

I love Halloween. I love dressing up, I love seeing other people’s creativity, I adore the cute costumes, I enjoy the sexy interpretations, and am impressed with the scary-gory effects makeup! And now I get to instill this love of fantasy and make-believe in my baby boy; while trying to encourage his father to love dressing up as well! In fact, I have spent months thinking of how our family could celebrate the holiday together, as a themed Halloween Family. Most of which will not come to fruition (it’s only one day after all!), but that means I have plenty of ideas left over to share!
Continue reading “Halloween Costume Ideas for You and Baby!”

Packing for Baby – Cottage Weekend Edition

When you’re packing for a vacation it can be easy to go overboard and over-pack, especially when it is only for a few days. What’s worse? When you overpack and still manage to forget something crucial or an object you really really wanted!

Want more of challenge? Try packing for yourself and a baby! What do you bring? What will they need? Will you have enough room? They have so many things!!!

After a great weekend away at the cottage (and many other weekend trips away from home), I’ve compiled my list of baby essentials when going away on a cottage/cabin/chalet/trottage weekend.
Continue reading “Packing for Baby – Cottage Weekend Edition”

30 Day Health & Fitness Challenge- The Mom Bod! Day 30


We did it! It’s our last day of this Mom Bod Challenge. I hope you’ve picked up some useful healthy tips along the way and are feeling great! I’ve got one more tip for you, and it really is the MOST important…

Day 30: Continue reading “30 Day Health & Fitness Challenge- The Mom Bod! Day 30”